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От самото си създаване специализираме в услугите на Автоклиматиците и Газовите Инжекциони. Ние сме тесни специалисти в областите на автомобилната козметика и компютърната диагностика на бензинови и дизелови двигатели. Знаем, че автомобилът е истинска страст за вас, затова ще се погрижим за него с нужното внимание!
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Who We Are

ACR Auto is a full service auto and truck preventive maintenance and auto repair center in the city area. We specialize in vehicle maintenance service, electrical service, transmission services, heavy duty services and much more. ACR Auto’s certified experts have over 45 combined years of experience and the knowledge to service and repair even the most challenging automotive problems on all makes and models. Our technicians are trained and certified.
We guarantee all our work and know you will be happy with the outcome.
Stop in, or give us a call today and let us know how we can help you. Come as a customer, leave as a friend! We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.
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Why Choose Us
Qualitative Car Parts
All the car parts and details we have in stock were purchased from the most trustworthy dealers and manufacturers.
Seasoned Team
When it comes to repairing or doing checkups on your car’s, all our team combined has almost a century of practical experience.
Affordable Price
We aim to make our service as reasonably priced as possible. That’s why we cut on all unessential business expenses….